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Friday, April 4, 2014


G.R. No. L-31684; June 28, 1973
Ponente: J. Makalintal


          On October 9, 1954 a co-partnership was formed under the name of "Evangelista & Co." On June 7, 1955 the Articles of Co-partnership were amended so as to include herein respondent, Estrella Abad Santos, as industrial partner, with herein petitioners Domingo C. Evangelista, Jr., Leonarda Atienza Abad Santos and Conchita P. Navarro, the original capitalist partners, remaining in that capacity, with a contribution of P17,500 each

          On December 17, 1963 herein respondent filed suit against the three other partners, alleging that the partnership, which was also made a party-defendant, had been paying dividends to the partners except to her; and that notwithstanding her demands the defendants had refused and continued to refuse to let her examine the partnership books or to give her information regarding the partnership affairs or to pay her any share in the dividends declared by the partnership

          The defendants, in their answer, denied ever having declared dividends or distributed profits of the partnership; denied likewise that the plaintiff ever demanded that she be allowed to examine the partnership books; and by way of affirmative defense alleged that the amended Articles of Co-partnership did not express the true agreement of the parties, which was that the plaintiff was not an industrial partner; that she did not in fact contribute industry to the partnership.

          Whether Abad Santos is entitled to see the partnership books because she is an industrial partner in the partnership


          Yes, Abad Santos is entitled to see the partnership books.

The Supreme Court ruled that according to

ART. 1299. Any partner shall have the right to a formal account as to partnership affairs:

(1)If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or possession of its property by his co-partners;
(2)If the right exists under the terms of any agreement;
(3)As provided by article 1807;
(4)Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable."

In the case at hand, the company is estopped from denying Abad Santos as an industrial partner because it has been 8 years and the company never corrected their agreement in order to show their true intentions. The company never bothered to correct those up until Abad Santos filed a complaint.

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